Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Medical Observations

Hello everyone,  not a whole lot has been happening lately.  I have just been tired and weak.  I have been working on my quilt top, I am so excited that I will be able to start assembling it soon.  

I have noticed, the oxycodone dosent work so well alone.  When I take it with a daily dose of mobic, It works much better.  I have been taking iron supplements as well, and I have noticed an increase in my energy level.  Instead of sleeping 20 hours a day lol im now only sleeping 16.   I am still losing weight, at a pace of about 2-3lbs a week.    I have been paying close attention to what may be the cause of it, and I think it is just my lack of appetite.  I am not humgry at all, the only time I really eat is when I am craving something, or I get a bad headache, and realize I had not eaten in a few days.  I was finally able to attach a photo of my skin, its just my legs, but you get the idea, my whole body is pretty much like this, except my face, thank god. I dont know why its upside down lol.

For those of you in Arizona or following the situation, Medical Marijuana has been approved here.  I am going to submit my application around the 22nd.  I have a Dr appointment that day, and will be asking him for a recomendation.  I do not know if he will give it for sure, but this is the same Dr that gives me 240 tablets of oxycodone a month.  I think he would prefer me try the medical marijuana and see if that works rather than keep up on the oxy's.  The process overall is very easy, as long as you have a legitamate reason for requesting it.   Because no dispensaries will be approved untill late in June, people that are approved in the next few weeks can grow their own.  I will be trying to do that.  I dont have much of a green thumb so, lol i might just be SOL untill the dispenseries open.  I will try to keep my blog updated about that as well, and if it even works. 

As always thank you for following, and If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

1 comment:

  1. We've got medical marijuana in Oregon too and I wish I were on it instead of Oxycontin & hydrocodone. You've got a chronic illness too? For 28 years I've had rheumatoid arthritis. Some days are better than others and I'm sure you know that is.

    My boyfriend is very understanding even when I'm unreasonable due to the intense pain. Sometimes it can be hard for him though, but I just remind him I've been in pain as long as he's been alive. Ironically enough he was born in August of 1983 and that is the exact time I developed my RA. *Laughs*

    In Alaska where I was born we tried the medical marijuana and it worked So much better than the narcotic prescriptions. If my current location were different I would Not hesitate to apply for my Oregon Medical Card and then try to grow some plants (I'm a plant-killer, sorry to say.) but unfortunately I live across from a school and even if it were completely personally I feel it's just not right.

    I shall be keeping up with this Blog to see how this works out for you.

    Look forward to all of your wonderful posts.

    ~ Drea Williams, Fellow Pet Bird-Lover
